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Thursday, 19 June 2008

Oracle interview questions

  1. What’s the command to see the current user name? Sql> show user;
  2. What’s the command to change the SQL prompt name?

    SQL> set sqlprompt “database-1 > ”
    database-1 >
    database-1 >

  3. How do you switch to DOS prompt from SQL prompt? SQL> host
  4. How do I eliminate duplicate rows in an Oracle database?

    SQL> delete from table_name where rowid not in (select max(rowid) from table group by duplicate_values_field_name);


    SQL> delete duplicate_values_field_name dv from table_name ta where rowid < (select min(rowid) from table_name tb where ta.dv=tb.dv);

  5. How do I display row number with records? Use the row-num pseudocolumn with query, like
    SQL> select rownum, ename from emp;
  6. How do you display the records within a given range?

    select rownum, empno, ename from emp where rowid in
    (select rowid from emp where rownum < =&rangeend
    select rowid from emp where rownum<&rangebegin);

  7. The NVL function only allows the same data type. But here’s the task: if the commission field is null, then the text “Not Applicable” should be displayed, instead of blank space. How do you write the query?

    SQL> select nvl(to_char(comm.),’Not Applicable’) from emp;

  8. Explain explicit cursor attributes. There are four cursor attributes used in Oracle: cursor_name%Found, cursor_name%NOTFOUND, cursor_name%ROWCOUNT, cursor_name%ISOPEN
  9. Explain implicit cursor attributes. Same as explicit cursor but prefixed by the word SQL: SQL%Found, SQL%NOTFOUND, SQL%ROWCOUNT, SQL%ISOPEN
  10. How do you view version information in Oracle?

    SQL> select banner from $version;

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