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Monday, 21 July 2008

Whole Testpaper Techno India College, Kolkata - 28 March 2007 Paper - 5


Hi! I am Soham Goswami(Dept.-IT, BIT, Kolkata) & I got in ZENSAR TECNOLOGIES through campus placement process.

The interview process was divided into three parts::-

(1) Aptitude test (88 questions 80 minutes)

(2) Technical Interview

(3) HR Interview.

Some of our friends had technical and HR together, some had separately. I had my technical & Hr together. Total 91 students had cleared there apti & finally 36 out of them were selected.


There were four sections::-(a) General English & verbal test,

(b) Quantitative aptitude (c) Logical reasoning (d) Technical(mainly on C,dbms).[concentrate on R.S.Agarwal for quanti & the logical part.]


1. What are the types of OS, with examples?

2. Difference between Linux & Windows.

3. During multitasking, whether the jobs are executed parallely? Whether the WINDOWS OS is pre-emptive?

4. Is multitasking & multithreading are same or not?

5. Various versions of WINDOWS.

6. Latest Version of WINDOWS(Windows vista).

7. What do you know about Vista ?

8. What is SDLC & its steps.

9. How will you decide which language (whether c,java,etc…) is suitable for the development of a particular software?

10. Why java is platform independent?

11. Are the JVM for C & JVM for JAVA are different?

12. What are byte code & object code?

13. Difference between C & Java.

14. What is polymorphism & its types?

15. How overriding is done?

16. What is inheritance?
17. How error handling is done in Java?

18. Types of classes in Java.

19. Storage classes in C.

20. Types of function calls?

21. Call by reference & call by value.Which is better?

22. What are the types linklist?

23. Write a program to search a certain node in a linear linklist?

24. Write a program to find the length of a string in C?


25. Why Zensar? Your plans for the next 4 years with Zensar.

26. What are your achievements?

27. Which part of the powerpoint presentation did you like the most?

28. How many presentations have you seen before?

29. Why have you failed in the interviews which you had earlier?

30. How will you rate yourself out of 5 in the technical interview?

31. What do you think, your weakest part in technical interview?

32. Will you have any problem,if you are relocated out of kokata?

33. Do you have any questions for us?

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