What is a marker interface ?
An interface that contains no methods. E.g.: Serializable, Cloneable, SingleThreadModel etc. It is used to just mark java classes that support certain capability.
What are tag interfaces?
Tag interface is an alternate name for marker interface.
What are the restrictions placed on static method ?
We cannot override static methods. We cannot access any object variables inside static method. Also the this reference also not available in static methods.
What is JVM?
JVM stands for Java Virtual Machine. It is the run time for java programs. All are java programs are running inside this JVM only. It converts java byte code to OS specific commands. In addition to governing the execution of an application's byte codes, the virtual machine handles related tasks such as managing the system's memory, providing security against malicious code, and managing multiple threads of program execution.
What is JIT?
JIT stands for Just In Time compiler. It compiles java byte code to native code.
What are ClassLoaders?
A class loader is an object that is responsible for loading classes. The class ClassLoader is an abstract class. Given the name of a class, a class loader should attempt to locate or generate data that constitutes a definition for the class. A typical strategy is to transform the name into a file name and then read a "class file" of that name from a file system.
Every Class object contains a reference to the ClassLoader that defined it.
Class objects for array classes are not created by class loaders, but are created automatically as required by the Java runtime. The class loader for an array class, as returned by Class.getClassLoader() is the same as the class loader for its element type; if the element type is a primitive type, then the array class has no class loader.
Applications implement subclasses of ClassLoader in order to extend the manner in which the Java virtual machine dynamically loads classes.
What is Service Locator pattern?
The Service Locator pattern locates J2EE (Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition) services for clients and thus abstracts the complexity of network operation and J2EE service lookup as EJB (Enterprise JavaBean) Interview Questions - Home and JMS (Java Message Service) component factories. The Service Locator hides the lookup process's implementation details and complexity from clients. To improve application performance, Service Locator caches service objects to eliminate unnecessary JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface) activity that occurs in a lookup operation.
What is Session Facade pattern?
Session facade is one design pattern that is often used while developing enterprise applications. It is implemented as a higher level component (i.e.: Session EJB), and it contains all the iteractions between low level components (i.e.: Entity EJB). It then provides a single interface for the functionality of an application or part of it, and it decouples lower level components simplifying the design. Think of a bank situation, where you have someone that would like to transfer money from one account to another. In this type of scenario, the client has to check that the user is authorized, get the status of the two accounts, check that there are enough money on the first one, and then call the transfer. The entire transfer has to be done in a single transaction otherwise is something goes south, the situation has to be restored.
As you can see, multiple server-side objects need to be accessed and possibly modified. Multiple fine-grained invocations of Entity (or even Session) Beans add the overhead of network calls, even multiple transaction. In other words, the risk is to have a solution that has a high network overhead, high coupling, poor reusability and mantainability.
The best solution is then to wrap all the calls inside a Session Bean, so the clients will have a single point to access (that is the session bean) that will take care of handling all the rest.
What is Data Access Object pattern?
The Data Access Object (or DAO) pattern: separates a data resource's client interface from its data access mechanisms adapts a specific data resource's access API to a generic client interface
The DAO pattern allows data access mechanisms to change independently of the code that uses the data.
The DAO implements the access mechanism required to work with the data source. The data source could be a persistent store like an RDBMS, an external service like a B2B exchange, a repository like an LDAP database, or a business service accessed via CORBA Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP) or low-level sockets. The business component that relies on the DAO uses the simpler interface exposed by the DAO for its clients. The DAO completely hides the data source implementation details from its clients. Because the interface exposed by the DAO to clients does not change when the underlying data source implementation changes, this pattern allows the DAO to adapt to different storage schemes without affecting its clients or business components. Essentially, the DAO acts as an adapter between the component and the data source.
Can we make an EJB singleton?
This is a debatable question, and for every answer we propose there can be contradictions. I propose 2 solutions of the same. Remember that EJB's are distributed components and can be deployed on different JVM's in a Distributed environment
i) Follow the steps as given below
Make sure that your serviceLocator is deployed on only one JVM.
In the serviceLocator create a HashTable/HashMap(You are the right judge to choose between these two)
When ever a request comes for an EJB to a serviceLocator, it first checks in the HashTable if an entry already exists in the table with key being the JNDI name of EJB. If key is present and value is not null, return the existing reference, else lookup the EJB in JNDI as we do normally and add an entry into the Hashtable before returning it to the client. This makes sure that you maintain a singleton of EJB.
ii) In distributed environment our components/Java Objects would be running on different JVM's. So the normal singleton code we write for maintaining single instance works fine for single JVM, but when the class could be loaded in multiple JVM's and Instantiated in multiple JVM's normal singleton code does not work. This is because the ClassLoaders being used in the different JVM's are different from each other and there is no defined mechanism to check and compare what is loaded in another JVM. A solution could be(Not tested yet. Need your feedback on this) to write our own ClassLoader and pass this classLoader as argument, whenever we are creating a new Instance and make sure that only one instance is created for the proposed class. This can be done easily.
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