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Thursday, 19 June 2008

Interview questions for Business Objects developer

  1. What is a universe?
  2. Analysis in business objects?
  3. Who launches the supervisor product in BO for the first time?
  4. How can you check the universe?
  5. What are universe parameters?
  6. Types of universes in business objects?
  7. What is security domain in BO?
  8. Where will you find the address of repository in BO?
  9. What is broad cast agent?
  10. In BO 4.1 version what is the alternative name for broadcast agent?
  11. What services the broadcast agent offers on the server side?
  12. How can you access your repository with different user profiles?
  13. How many built-in objects are created in BO repository?
  14. What are alerters in BO?
  15. What are different types of saving options in web intelligence?
  16. What is batch processing in BO?
  17. How can you first report in BO by using broadcast agent?
  18. Can we take report on Excel in BO?

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