Hi friends.........
ARICENT PAPER ON 23rd AUGUST 07 AT "BIT_Mesra ,Ranchi."
I am going to share my recent experience with Aricent. I hope it will help you to prepare for the In/Off Campuses. The written test was held on 23-aug ,it was conducted by Merit Track Consultancy.
1.Written Exam
Aricent Written exam has 7 sections. Each section has 10/15/20 questions,around 90ques in total and the time given is 1 min per question so 90 mins test duration for 6sections + 5 mins duration for 7th section.there is individual cutoff for each section.So be carefull.
1) simple english (prepositions, verbs etc.). you can easily clear this section if u have general idea about english grammer. You can follow any english book if u have problem like new style etc.
2) reasoning . this section has reasoning questions based on puzzles, seating arrangements, cubes puzzles etc. R.s Agarwal is sufficient
3) quntitative . it has ques like sets using venn diagrams, time and work etc.R.s agarwal is sufficient here again.
4) DS and OS. It is the most difficult section as I feel. It has 20 ques and and 20 mins duration. DS was tough and you should be well prepared with trees, graphs and sorting (with programs). there was prog with 1-2 pages to find output or error. 1 question from UNIX also.
5)C/C++. next section is of C or C++ programming. they will ask u to have one lang. C paper is full of pointers and strings, arrays and other questions. Prefer Exploring c and pointers in c to solve. I opted for C.
6) This section is unseen pessage. Not very tough english but the questions are confusing. you should read the pessage at least twice.they will give15 mins to read it and thereafter given ques based on it with duration of 10 min for 10 ques.
7) the last section is E-mail writing. They assigned a problem specification and you have 5 mins to write email. try to write it in professional way using proper grammer puntuation and english.
ok cool,
Around 300 students are appeared for written test and only 85 have cleared it,including me.
My Tech interview is good , queries regading Data Structures, they majorly test your programming skills .so you must be good at programing skills and you cant escape without writing atleast 3or 4 programs. they ask you to write the program ,if you are not getting the logic they will give you the hints .u must be able to catch those hints & crack the program.after they slowly starts queries frm OS,CompN/Ws,& C. you must have clear & basic knowledge abt these subjects. these much of things are sufficient to crack the tech round. duration of my tech round is just around 50 mins,but to my friends it is more than 1hr 30 mins,if u performed well then u will be forwarded to HR. tech result will be given with in 5 mins just after ur tech interview is over. as the day is very much good to me ,I cleared this round &I have been forwarded to HR.
ok cool
Compared to my tech Interview, HrIinterview is very cool .no need to feel or get tense. if you cleared the tech then there will be >90% chances to get in to the aricent.
They asked me queries like
1.What u will be after 2years
2.Situational quries.
3.Abt higher studies
4.After 2 years how u see yourself like leader or normal team mem.
5.Wat u r expectin frm aricent other than sal
6.Abt abroad relocation
7.Finally ,do u like to ask any thing
If u r intrested then ask the HR , they dont mind bcoz they r very cool.
Hr was satisfied with my answers & i came out of hr room with lot of confidence.
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