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Sunday, 20 July 2008

General - other KIIT College, Bhubaneswar - 11 July 2007 Paper - 1


Hi frnds, This is Monalisa from Roland Institute of Technology, Berhampur. I am going to share my recent experience with Subex Azure selection procedure. I hope it will help you in your preparation.

Whole procedure consisted of 4 rounds. Previously there were 5 rounds but they conducted 4 rounds here.

1. Written test:
It consists of two sections. Different sets of questions are there.
a. C programming test: - 20 questions, 30 min.
C objective questions, u need to find out the output. The questions are easy but u should possess through knowledge about C programming. No negative marking. The questions are covering all portions like pointer, macros, files, loop, operators, array, function etc.

b. Programming code skill: - 1 question, 30 min.

2 questions were given, u need write one.
è Write a program to delete the nodes of a linked list having a specified data item.
è Write a program to find out the no of identical words in two files. The file name should be taken as command line argument

The written result published on 24th July and 111 were qualified. The interview was held on 3rd August.

2. Technical Interview 1:-

For this round u need to possess very good knowledge in programming skill. Mainly they are giving programs on file to write like write a program to count the no of palindrome words in a file and write it in to another file and asking fundamental C and C++ questions like call by ref., call by value, pointers, wrapper class etc. Covering all portions.
3. Technical Interview 2:-
Questions from C, DS, C++, DBMS, OS, Networking, DSP and branch subjects as my branch is ECE they asked me quest. from DEC, ACT, DCT, Microprocessor etc. They just asked me to tell all subject names what ever I read from 1st SEM till now. the sub. names what ever I told they asked me questions on that sub even some questions on Basic electrical paper. He also gave me a program of inverted pyramid to write and asked questions from my project and about the recent project of 7th SEM. So prepare thoroughly on ur project.

4. HR round:-

They asked me quests from my CV and other HR questions. what I remembered…

è Introduction.

è Hobby.

è Why u have chosen ECE branch.

è Why Software.

è Why Subex.

è Tell three points from ppt of Subex.

è Questions on proj. like why this project, from where u have collected the information, ,What type of problems u have faced while doing the project, From Whom u have taken help, in future what u want to do with ur project etc etc.

è Have u faced any situation where u found urself to be dead.

è Three areas where u wants 2 improve.

è Family background etc.

è Finally, do u want 2 ask any thing?

Approach is most important. Speak confidently with a smiling face no need to feel or get tense because they are very cool.

41 students were appeared HR and finally out of this only 4 were selected. Thanks to God, in the list of 4 I was also there.

So friends!! if the day is yours nobody will stop u until you succeed. I got lot of support from my parents and friends to get the success! so this is time to tell them thanks !!

I am very much thankful to all of my friends who have given me lot of support even I was in tough times and 2 those who have contributed their papers on this site which helped me a lot . Also I would like say thanks to god and my family members for their blessings.

Ok friends this all abt my placement story, so hope for the best & be positive, definitely one day u will get success!!

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